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The Advantages of Lock Rekeying Over Lock Replacement

The Advantages of Lock Rekeying Over Lock Replacement

The choice between lock rekeying and lock replacement when it comes to enhancing the security of your residence or place of business is crucial. While both solutions increase security, lock rekeying has several significant advantages that make it a sensible decision in a variety of circumstances. We will explore the compelling benefits of lock rekeying versus lock replacement in this blog article to assist you in deciding, with the help of a professional locksmith company in Philadelphia.

The low cost of lock rekeying is one of its most notable benefits. Rekeying a lock simply involves changing its internal workings such that a new key is required to get access. This procedure is typically quicker and less expensive than replacing the lock mechanism entirely. The cost of upgrading locks can quickly increase since brand-new locks must be bought and the door may need to be adjusted to make room for the new hardware. Rekeying is a choice that provides a cost-effective security solution without going over budget.

Maintain Existing Hardware
Rekeying a lock gives you the option to keep your current door hardware, which is handy if you want to keep expensive or aesthetically pleasing locks. You can maintain the door's visual appeal while restricting admission to anyone with the proper authorization by changing the lock's key.

Key Control and Convenience
You can reclaim control of your keys by choosing to have your locks rekeyed. Any spare keys you may have previously given to family, friends, or contractors will be rendered useless after rekeying. This helps landlords, tenants, and companies that want to properly monitor and restrict admission.

Minimal Disruption
Lock rekeying is a low-impact alternative to lock replacement that doesn't call for the removal of old hardware and the installation of new hardware. Rekeying can be quickly and easily done on-site by knowledgeable locksmiths. As a consequence, you can skip the time-consuming lock replacement process and continue living your life as usual.

Time Savings
Rekeying locks is a quick fix that works best when a security issue needs to be resolved right away. This method provides an immediate fix for emergencies requiring quick security adjustments, including missing keys or changes in tenant occupancy. It does away with the time-consuming process of getting and installing new locks.

Immediate Security Boost 
By bypassing the need for significant repairs or hardware replacements, rekeying provides an instant security increase. This is especially useful when there have recently been security breaches or when there are worries about the vulnerability of property.

Lock rekeying emerges as the preferable choice over lock replacement when looking for a practical, safe, and economical option. Rekeying is a potent way to increase security without replacing all of your locks, whether you're a property manager, homeowner, or company owner. Make contact with a reputable locksmith company in Philadelphia that provides customized services in line with your specific security needs.
The Advantages of Lock Rekeying Over Lock Replacement

The Advantages of Lock Rekeying Over Lock Replacement


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