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Obsidian Noir

Whisky Maturation with Obsidian

Whisky production is an intricate process that involves various factors influencing the final flavor, color, and aroma of the spirit. One of the lesser-known elements impacting this process is the use of obsidian, a volcanic glass formed from rapidly cooled lava. While traditionally not a standard component in whisky production, obsidian has gained attention for its potential to contribute to the maturation of whisky and impart distinct characteristics to the final product.

Obsidian possesses unique physical and chemical properties that make it an intriguing candidate for enhancing whisky maturation. Its non-porous nature and smooth surface create an environment conducive to interaction between the whisky and the glass, allowing for a controlled exchange of compounds over time. This controlled interaction can lead to alterations in the whisky's flavor profile and overall quality.



We are Obsidian. A whisky company that thrives on blending time-honored tradition with contemporary craftsmanship. Our name, inspired by the capt Read More
