Harry White - N11341611

This week I will practice your storytelling abilities by creating a mini story in the form of a comic strip or a mini picture book. 
TOOLS: 2B Pencil, Uni ball GEL IMPACT pen.

PROCESS: Draw up a concept for a comic strip and ink it, use this as an opportunity to test my inking skills and expand my knowledge of the medium.
WEEKLY REFLECTION: I wanted to tell a story that I remembered exceptionably fondly from when I was younger, for me this story was when I was in Auckland, New Zealand waiting at the pedestrian crossing and this guy shoved me, jaywalking. He suddenly tripped on his shoelaces and slipped over. I would consider this a core memory of mine, as I remember exactly how it happened.

Throughout the week I was unsure whether about my lineart, I had to prepare and spend extra time making sure everything looked clean. After conducting some research based on the resources our tutors provided us, I realised that I should speed up the flick of my pen to achieve a smoother result. Initially I was hesitant as I didn't want to make a mistake, however as the week went on I really found my stride and confidence in this area and was able to significantly improve the pace and quality of which I worked. I also encountered issues because I hadn't lined up the panels of the bordered throughout the week correctly, however this was primarily an issue of my not sketching and calibrating this, and in future I will spend more time planning these bits out.

I had a great time with this week, as it allowed me to look back at a fond memory of mine and reimagine it in my artstyle. It also allowed me to step out of my comfort zone, experimenting with pens again after so long and learning new tricks to improve my outcome. I feel as though this task has really improved my confidence in this area. While I can still definitely improve and work on my linework, I am happy with the outcome. I do feel as though next time I should make sure I measure and precisely put my panel borders together, rather than winging it. However this doesn't bother me for the most part.


