Invicta is a personal project that delves into the world of a dynamic living painting. It revolves around a constantly transforming landscape, brought to life with a symphony of vibrant colors. Drawing inspiration from my winter trip to Yellowstone National Park, I particularly focused on the mesmerizing and vibrant colors found in the park's hot springs.

The captivating palette of colors adorning Yellowstone's hydrothermal basins can be attributed to thermophiles, tiny organisms adapted to thrive in extreme heat. Enormous clusters of these microorganisms, estimated to be trillions, form mesmerizing and colorful landscapes.

Within a hot spring, different types of thermophiles coexist and are adapted to specific temperatures.

As the temperature changes, one group of thermophiles fades, giving rise to the emergence of a completely different set of thermophiles.
Water temperatures within certain springs can sometimes exceed the boiling point.

​​​​​​​The strikingly intense blue color observed in some springs occurs when sunlight penetrates their deep and transparent waters. The color blue, which is visible in the spectrum of light, tends to scatter the most. This results in the vibrant blue hue that we perceive.​​​​​​​

Surprisingly this ecosystem thrives in what seems to be an inhospitable environment, revealing the resilience and adaptability of living organisms. It defies all expectations and challenges our understanding of life itself.
