Elise Martinson's profile

Sharks Exhibition Illustrations

Sharks Exhibition Illustrations

For this project, I was engaged by Story Inc. to create a series of illustrations for the Sharks exhibition at the Australian Museum. This exciting project had two components. Firstly, I worked with animators and interactive designers at Watermark to develop two interactive displays designed to educate visitors about the Trophic Cascade effect that can occur when sharks are removed from an ecosystem. 

Secondly, I illustrated a series of display panels to portray the evolution of sharks through each of the five mass extinction events. These illustrations tell a story of survival and adaptation, demonstrating the remarkable journey of sharks through hundreds of millions of years of history. The user could manually move a lever to highlight each panel and read more information about how the sharks persevered through each era.

I really enjoyed working on this series as animal and conservation themes are close to my heart. Creating illustrations for the five mass extinctions panels presented a unique challenge, my references for many of the prehistoric creatures were limited to written descriptions and sometimes fragmentary remains. I have the pleasure of collaborating with the museum's palaeontology team to ensure accuracy where it was needed and in some cases, allow for some artistic licence under their guidance.


For information about illustration for your project, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

5 Mass Extinctions Illustrated Panels

Trophic Cascade Illustrations for Interactive Display (Open Ocean)

Trophic Cascade Illustrations for Interactive Display (Seagrass Meadow)
Sharks Exhibition Illustrations


Sharks Exhibition Illustrations

A series of digital illustrations for a museum exhibition featuring sharks (both modern and prehistoric) and other sea life.
