I have studied Graphic Design and Multimedia so I have used Photoshop throughout my studies. I always thought I didn't learn enough so I took it upon myself to learn more about it. I love anything to do with space so I thought it would be cool to learn some techniques on making planets and nebulae. So this is the result of me following some tutorials and having a mess around for myself.
The first two images are my first attempts at making a planet on photoshop. The first is just a random green planet as my first attempt which I used in my wallpaper images later on. The second image is my attempt at a making a planet similar to earth. It is perhaps more of an earth going through an ice age as I left more of the surface covered.
I wanted to make a some colourful nebula's. These two images are a couple I was really pleased with and I hope to practise and make more realistic images in the future.
These last 2 images are a couple of wallpaper styles I tried. I used a few custom brushes for the 'whispy' and spotted effects. 
Planet Photoshop

Planet Photoshop

First attempts at intergalactic art.


Creative Fields