For an activism campaign, I designed a zine with the theme 'Intersectionality'.

Intersectionality is when social inequality occurs based on multiple factors that oppress or disadvantage a person. For example, experiencing double disadvantage because you are a woman + black. Intersectionality is about understanding the ways in which multiple forms of inequality and or discrimination compound themselves. They create obstacles that are often not understood within conventional ways of thinking about, for example, anti-racism or feminism. It is a prism for understanding certain types of problems.

With my "zine", I want to start a conversation, encourage people to think about their privileges and how the convergence of racial or gender stereotypes might actually play out.

I used my protest text as a starting point to create a zine. I chose a one-page format, 8 pages, printed double-sided so that my protest text could also be used as a poster. On the title page of the zine, I invite the reader to think about "x, y and z" together. On all other pages, I have drawn thinking clouds with questions, statements or quotes from my favorite human rights activists and others working on these issues (Audre Lorde, Resmaa Menakem, Kimberle Crenshaw and Robin Diangelo). 



