In ancient Japan, where samurais resided,
A couple emerged, love's bond undivided.
In the blue mercury's gleam, their spirits intertwined,
Conquering foes with valor, their love defined.

Cherry blossoms bloomed as they danced with grace,
Their swords in harmony, an inseparable embrace.
Legends whispered their names, in awe they were told,
Samurais united, with hearts brave and bold.

But time, unyielding, took its toll on their frame,
Leaving traces of age, like embers losing their flame.
They fought against fate, yet the battle was lost,
As old age prevailed, their strength was exhaust.

Though their swords grew weary, love remained steadfast,
A testament to devotion, it eternally lasts.
Through memories and tales, their spirits lived on,
Samurais bound by love, even when youth was gone.

In the twilight of days, their legacy remains,
A love that defied time, breaking age's restraints.
Though the sun sets on their mortal endeavor,
Their love shines eternal, a bond they will forever treasure.
Mercury Couple


Mercury Couple
