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encryption at rest and in transit email

Research and development (R&D) firms handle valuable intellectual property and confidential information, making secure communication crucial. However, ensuring email security can be challenging. Secure Email: Powered by Paubox offers a seamless solution for R&D firms to send and receive encrypted emails within Salesforce, addressing the challenges these organizations face.  
Challenges with R&D Email Security: R&D firms face significant challenges when sending emails securely. Traditional email communication lacks robust encryption, exposing sensitive research findings and proprietary information to potential breaches. Moreover, cumbersome portals, plugins, and complex authentication processes add extra steps and inconvenience users. These challenges can hinder effective communication and compromise the confidentiality of critical data.  
How Secure Email- Powered by Paubox Resolves Challenges: Secure Email: Powered by Paubox streamlines secure email communication for R&D firms. It encrypts emails in transit using TLS 1.2+ protocol and protects classified information with AES encryption in the recipient's inbox. This end-to-end encryption ensures that sensitive data remains secure throughout the communication.  
The solution also addresses compliance requirements, adhering to HITRUST CSF and HIPAA regulations. By providing automation options through workflows, Apex, triggers, process builders, or APIs, Secure Email: Powered by Paubox integrates seamlessly into existing systems and workflows, minimizing disruptions.  
The platform also offers customizable email templates and real-time reporting and analytics to track sent and received emails. The recipient experience is simplified, as they receive a link to view the message if their email server doesn't support the advanced encryption protocols.  
Secure Email: Powered by Paubox empowers R&D firms with a user-friendly and secure email communication solution. Addressing encryption, compliance, automation, and user experience ensures that confidential information remains protected.  
To try out this HITRUST-certified email solution, go to the Salesforce AppExchange for a free 30-day trial. Send an email to with any queries.   
encryption at rest and in transit email


encryption at rest and in transit email
