Sunlit Reverie
Where Dreams Find Copper Wings​​​​​​​
In the heart of an enchanted realm, 
Where sunlight weaves its golden helm, 
There lies a forest bathed in hues,
Of copper tones, 
a timeless muse.​​​​​​​
Each tree, a warrior of the earth, 
With bark that gleams in amber's birth, ​​​​​​​
Their branches dance in gentle breeze, 
Whispering secrets among the leaves.
Beneath the canopy's radiant glow,
Where dreams awaken as twilight spreads,​​​​​​​
A carpet spun from russet threads,
The forest floor, a tapestry below.

With every step, a symphony unfolds, 
The rustling of leaves, like stories untold, ​​​​​​​
as the sunlight filters pass through, 
Nature's canvas, a dazzling view.
The golden copper tone, a lustrous kiss, 
Bathing the forest in ethereal bliss,
Where magic lingers in every breath, 
And time stands still, defying death.
In this realm, where dreams reside, 
The forest calls, a sacred guide,
To wander through its gilded door, 
And find beauty worth living for.
So let us venture, you and I, ​​​​​​​
In this realm where dreams can fly,
Where the golden copper tone forest gleams,
And poetry is born in whispered streams.
Thank you so much for your Time
Sunlit reverie


Sunlit reverie
