Nhi Tran's profile

Don't Lose Yourself

My project aims to expose the harsh reality of the curated images on social media and deliver a message to young people who struggle with insecurities about their appearance: You are worthy of love and acceptance exactly as you are.
In this project, each picture is accompanied by a QR code, utilizing our inseparable personal item, the smartphone. When viewers scan the QR codes, they will be presented with a variety of impactful elements
The project utilizes Adobe Aero as its primary platform.
In setting up the exhibition, familiar objects that people often use to create their idealized self-images on social media. For instance, I included a ring light and tripod, commonly employed for capturing the perfect selfie, as well as a rainbow light to enhance the flattering lighting on one's face. These objects serve as poignant symbols, highlighting the extent to which individuals invest significant time and effort in crafting a flawless image of themselves online. By incorporating these tools into the exhibition, I aimed to emphasize the campaign's message about the obsession with perfection and the pressures of maintaining an idealized online persona.
A series of 3 posters from the AR versions of my senior project. I called them "The Filtered Selves".
The choice to represent the Filtered Self as low poly portraits and the Authentic Self as hand-drawn artworks stems from the concept that the filtered version is artificial and inauthentic. The low poly geometric shapes symbolize the manufactured nature of the filtered self, highlighting its artificiality and lack of true depth. On the other hand, the hand-drawn style of the Authentic Self embraces organic shapes, reflecting the uniqueness and natural beauty inherent in each individual. By contrasting these artistic styles, the intention is to emphasize the importance of embracing one's genuine self and celebrating the inherent beauty that exists within us all, rather than striving for an artificial and unattainable perfection.
This short video provides a glimpse into the immersive AR experience that unfolds when viewers scan these QR codes.
Some QR codes reveal hidden messages, shedding light on the truth behind social media's influence. Others display a static number, representing the staggering count of individuals affected by social media-induced depression. Additionally, certain QR codes provide thought-provoking facts, exposing the realities of our digital landscape. This immersive experience aims to provoke contemplation and encourage critical reflection on the impact of social media on our well-being.
At the conclusion of the exhibition, the voice message is translated into different languages to resonate with individuals worldwide, as this issue affects users of social media universally. The core message I aim to deliver is to cultivate self-love and self-appreciation, instead of relentlessly pursuing an unattainable and perfect image on social network. 
It serves as a reminder that our worth extends beyond online validation and that embracing our authentic selves is the key to genuine happiness and fulfillment. By reaching diverse audiences through various languages, the message strives to inspire a global movement towards self-acceptance and a shift away from the illusion of perfection propagated on social media.
Don't Lose Yourself


Don't Lose Yourself

It's a heartbreaking reality that so many young people today are struggling with Dysmorphia as they navigate the world of social media. It's a wo Read More
