Gabriel Cabral's profile

PowerWorks Electric Identity

PowerWorks Electric Branding
Powerworks Electric is a company that specializes in illumination with LEDs, it provides a wide range of services such as installation, repair and maintenance. Powerworks electric didn’t have a brand identity to differentiate from other companies.
The main goal of this project was to provide an effective solution that would help the business grow.
Acerca de este proyecto (SPANISH)
Powerworks electric e suna compania que se especializa en iluminacion con LEDs, esta compania provee varios servicios como instalacion, reparacion y mantenimiento de indumentaria electrica.
Powerworks no tenia una identidad grafica con la cual se pudiera diferenciar de otras marcas, el objetivo de este proyecto es brindarle una solucion efectiva que pudiese ser aplicada.

The website design is very clean and easy to navigate, it plays with light of the composition when links are in a hover state, while retaining all the brand color and guidelines.
La pagina web mantiene los colores y conceptos de la marca, hace un enfasis especial al jugar con la luz de la pagina resaltando con color los links al hacer hover.
Car Wrap
The car wrap was designed in a way that integrates the information without having separate floating pieces.
The photo of the electrician is an important key to encourage customers to request the company services.
Las graficas para automoviles estan hechas de tal manera que se integre toda la informacion sin que los elementos queden flotando por separado, la fotografia es un factor clave que ayuda al usuario a decidir hacer uso de los servicios de la empresa
Some of the basic concepts and brand attributes to communicate are:
- The company works with electricity.
- To communicate that they're specialized in illumination.
- To show the competitive advantage of being a company with a commitment to the environment.
Conceptos basicos (SPANISH)
Entre los conceptos basicos o propiedades de la marca a destacar se encuentran:
- Comunicar que se trata de una compañia de electricistas.
- Comunicar que es una compañia especializada en iluminacion.
- Comunicar la ventaja competitiva de tener un compromiso con el medio ambiente.
The color palette has been chosen to communicate basic concepts like energy and nature.
It includes 4 basic colors from which many other originate.

Blue represents electricity and is the color from which most people associate electric energy.
Green is based on the company's commitment to the environment by using LED lighting.
White represents the light generated by the LEDs
Gray is used as a neutral color to generate contrast in white and green areas.
Like energy, the identifier (logo) can transform itself into many different shapes without losing it's identity. This is done by removing some of the modules of the symbol.
Logo versiones y variaciones
Como la energia, el logo tiene la capacidad de transformarse sin perder su identidad, esto se logra al quitar algunos de los modulos que componen el simbolo.
The font used for the logo is a modified version of Neo Sans, NeoTech is also a good alternative for some glyphs/characters since it retains some of the Neo Sans Characters, Roboto if necessary for longer texts.

The Uniform
The uniform was designed so that it transmits freshness and vitality while keeping a contemporary look and retaining the brand’s colors
El Uniforme
El uniforme esta disenado de tal manera que transmita energia frescura y contemporaneidad, a su vez manteniendo los colores de la marca.
PowerWorks Electric Identity

PowerWorks Electric Identity

Powerworks Electric is a company that specializes in illumination with LEDs, providing services from installation, repair and maintenance. This c Read More
