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Mohammed Bin Tarjim Unveils Marketing Revolution

Mohammed Bin Tarjim, a leading marketing expert in Saudi Arabia, provides an insightful examination of the expanding influence of influencers in marketing campaigns within the Kingdom. In recent years, influencer marketing has witnessed a meteoric rise in Saudi Arabia, transforming the landscape of brand promotion and consumer engagement. 

In his analysis, Mohammed Bin Tarjim highlights the significant impact that influencers have had on Saudi Arabian marketing strategies. These social media influencers, with their substantial online followings and strong personal brands, have become trusted voices for their audiences. 

By partnering with influencers, brands can tap into their dedicated fan bases, effectively reaching and influencing the target market. Mohammed Bin Tarjim says influencers have become powerful intermediaries between brands and consumers in Saudi Arabia. They possess the ability to shape trends, change perceptions, and drive consumer behaviour. Their authentic and relatable content resonates with Saudi Arabian audiences, making influencer collaborations an effective means to create brand awareness, foster brand loyalty, and drive sales.

Bin Tarjim stresses that building a brand on strategic foundations, and maintaining it, should be the main goal, to ensure the sustainability of the brand, stressing that the influencer can contribute to the brand awareness, increasing sales, but the most important thing here is sustainability, which will only be achieved through continuous and diligent work stems from the brand strategy.
Mohammed Bin Tarjim Unveils Marketing Revolution

Mohammed Bin Tarjim Unveils Marketing Revolution
