La Novela

Internmurals 2014
A friendly branding competition between the design interns of Plus63 Design Co. and Vgrafiks Design and Branding.
Through our research into the brand, we discovered how the original LALA chocolate came to be.
From a mistake of adding pastillias (local milk candy) with the chocolate, the delightful concoction LALA
was invented. Origins give us stories, and stories give experiences. Our plan for this project was to create scenes which could further enhance the chocolate experience of brand LALA, which we entitled La NoveLa.
The stories take place within the walled city of old Manila. From a fisherman who finds freedom and yet takes it away from another, to lovers who are separated by a gap of social classes, to one of the prominent figures of the church having an affair with one of the altar boys. Each story has a flavor, and each flavor tells a story.
La Novela - The Stories
Life Beyond the Walled - Original Milk Chocolate
From the original flavors we tell a story on the origins of each character within the setting of our tales.
We give back focus to the original brand LALA with its unique and simple flavors, but using higher quality ingredients
to give it a more premium taste.
Heeding the Siren's Call - Sea Salt and Coconut Milk 
This story is about a fisherman who finds freedom from the walls of the city whenever he goes out fishing.
One day he catches a siren within his nets. Although he feels extremely lucky, he is at an impasse. How can he take
the freedom of another when he has been freed himself?
As the Gates Catch Fire - Cinnamon and Vanilla
Two lovers, separated by social class. A revolutionist, fighting against the evils of corrupt government. A kindhearted meztisa, daughter to the governor-general who is out to silence all who oppose him. Can love truly exist regardless of the boundaries set by society?
The Blasphemous Rendezvous - Passion Fruit and Red Wine
 As midnight bells ring within the church of Manila, people begin to wonder what the hermana mayor does so late at night. A guard making his evening rounds stumbles on a scandalous act.  Within the house of God, two lovers are engaged within the freedom of the darkness.
Sample invites for the event launch.
Web mockups for promotional purposes.
Main event poster.
While the brand is known for its unique flavors and premium quality ingredients,
what makes La Novela truly special are the stories within the chocolates. 
By the Interns of Plus63 Design Co:
Craig Halili, Adrian Panadero, Mia Lagos and Tim Lopez
La Novela

La Novela

This was our entry for Internmurals 2014, representing Plus 63's interns. We were tasked to create packaging, collaterals and a campaign for a br Read More
