Khaled Alngar's profile - Drugs Reporting System (2021)

The medications reporting system revolutionizes medication management for doctors and healthcare providers. This advanced system addresses challenges such as accurate information, regulatory compliance, seamless integration, and efficient documentation. By empowering doctors to make informed decisions, ensure patient safety, reduce insurance rejections, and optimize workflows, this system plays a pivotal role in enhancing prescribing practices and improving patient care.​​​​​​​

My Role ( Researcher & Product Designer).  |  Ref.

Key Objectives

The advanced reporting system caters to the needs of medical professionals, empowering doctors in KSA with vital tools for safe medication prescribing. It offers comprehensive features such as drug-to-drug interaction, adverse effects, and contraindications, ensuring doctors have access to accurate and up-to-date information when selecting medications for their patients.

Furthermore, the system is designed to align with the standards set by the Council of Health Insurance (CHI), providing doctors with a curated list of approved medications. This ensures compliance with regulations and promotes patient safety.
In addition, the system offers a valuable resource by presenting doctors with a list of alternative medications that contain the same active ingredient. This enables doctors to make informed decisions based on patient-specific requirements or preferences.

The integration of medical codes, such as ICD10 AM/CM codes, allows for seamless connectivity between medications and diagnostic coding systems. Doctors can easily associate medications with corresponding codes, streamlining the documentation process and facilitating accurate medical billing in hospitals and polyclinics.

By offering a user-friendly interface and the ability to copy drug names and medical codes, the system simplifies the workflow for doctors. They can effortlessly transfer essential information to their medical billing systems, enhancing efficiency and reducing the risk of errors.

This robust reporting system combines medical expertise and product design principles to empower doctors in KSA with comprehensive medication information, streamlined documentation, and improved patient care.

Research Observations​​​​​​:
Prescription Practices: 
Doctors commonly prescribe medications using commercial names rather than scientific names.
CHI Approval and Medical Codes: 
Medications must be CHI-approved and linked to medical codes (ICD10 AM&CM) to minimize insurance rejection rates.

Alternative Medications: 
Providing doctors with alternative medications containing the same active ingredients enables them to accommodate patients with limited insurance coverage.

Risk Reduction: 
Comprehensive information on drug-to-drug interactions, adverse effects, and contraindications helps doctors mitigate risks for patients with specific drug histories.

Integration with Medical Documentation Systems: 
Clinics and hospitals utilize their own medical documentation systems, requiring the ability to copy/export drugs, supported evidence, and associated medical codes.

Report Reusability: 
Doctors require the ability to reuse previous reports to optimize time management.
These observations highlight the need for a streamlined system that supports doctors in prescribing medications effectively, aligning with insurance requirements, providing alternative options, reducing risks, integrating with existing documentation systems, and enabling report reuse.

These observations highlight the need for a streamlined system that supports doctors in prescribing medications effectively, aligning with insurance requirements, providing alternative options, reducing risks, integrating with existing documentation systems, and enabling report reuse.

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Medications Details
drug-to-drug interaction, adverse effects, and contraindications

The implementation of the advanced medications reporting system offers significant benefits for doctors and healthcare providers. By providing essential features such as drug-to-drug interaction, adverse effect, and contraindication information, doctors can make informed decisions to ensure patient safety. The system's integration with medical codes and adherence to CHI guidelines reduces insurance rejection rates and facilitates accurate medical billing. Additionally, the inclusion of alternative medications with the same active ingredients helps doctors accommodate patients with limited insurance coverage. The system's comprehensive information and support for medical documentation systems streamline workflows and enhance efficiency. Overall, the medications reporting system empowers doctors to prescribe medications effectively, reduce risks, and optimize patient care.
T.h.a.n.k.s for watching - Drugs Reporting System (2021)

Owner - Drugs Reporting System (2021)



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