Branding a Diagnostic DTC

MDX is a leading medical diagnostic company that has been at the forefront of diagnostic testing for years. As the world was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, MDX was among the first companies to receive federal clearance for COVID-19 diagnostic testing, a move that proved pivotal in the fight against the virus.

As MDX continues to grow and expand its services, they have set its sights on entering the direct-to-consumer space. In order to achieve this, they recognized the need for a fresh and compelling brand that would resonate with their target audience.

That’s when I stepped in, providing a strategic approach that was focused on capturing the essence of their brand and communicating it to their customers.
Striking the Balance: Designing a Logo for MDX

To create a logo for MDX, the goal was to strike a balance between a traditional “healthcare” look and a “forward-thinking” vibe. The logo design consists of five simple rectangles arranged in a repeating pattern, which creates a sense of harmony that perfectly toes the line we.

By overlapping the vertices of the shapes, the logo gains a softness and flair of distinction, while also aiding in legibility. The rectangle “MDX” is another crucial element that cements the logo into place, calls attention to itself, and provides the eye with a focal point.

To bring a sense of calm and trust to the logo, a light blue hue was selected. The addition of the “TM” symbol further enhances the logo’s professional and authoritative appearance. In essence, the entire logo communicates that MDX is a competent and reliable company that knows what it’s doing, will keep its customers safe, and has its eye on the future.
MDX’s Brand Identity: Interplay of Logo, Type, and Image

The design concept for MDX’s brand identity involves a careful interplay of logo, type, and image, with rectangular block elements serving as the unifying thread. In addition to its aesthetic appeal, the blue-to-white gradient background has a dual purpose of inducing a calming effect while also adding a unique touch to the compositions and images.

By incorporating connotations of data, pixels, and art, the block elements have a wide range of uses and applications. In one instance, they are used to bolster an otherwise purely typographic composition, creating a clinical and forward-thinking feel. In another instance, the block elements are used to remove portions of images which, when coupled with the appropriate copy, highlights MDX’s ability to provide a complete genetic picture.

Overall, the use of block elements, coupled with the blue-to-white gradient background and carefully curated images, creates a consistent and memorable brand identity for MDX. It effectively communicates the company’s values of accuracy, reliability, and innovation while also resonating with its target audience on an emotional level.


