Téah Liana
Téah Liana is the smartest Latina I’ve worked with.  She has a passion for education, UX/UI design, coding, and designing cool make-up filters.  If there was one word I would describe her, that word would be fearless. She goes after anything she sets her mind to.
We were both creative mentors helping high school students get them seen heard and hired in the creative industries.  with their portfolios, resumes, and colleges. Working with her was an absolute blessing from start to finish. The students really vibe with her and she vibed with the students as well.
I was struggling with finding the right pose showing off her fearless personality and  o so cute self. What I did is took her head from the first draft and attached it to the body on the second draft. Once I did that, it all started to come together. As for her style Teah gave me the most amazing concept to work with. I started with a  simple cream top, but wasn't enough to complete her as a character. However thanks to Teah's suggestion I added a zebra pattern to her skirt and that just elevated the art. I finish it with my own design for her skirt and boots. I'm loved how it turns out.
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Téah Liana


Téah Liana
