Award-Winning Graduate


How can I as a graphic designer explore the historic remnants of Butterley Engineering in Derbyshire as stimulus for new typographic design?
An uppercase typeface inspired by the processes, materials and achievements of Butterley Engineering in Derbyshire.  The characters have been designed to reflect the iron construction of the St Pancras Roof, one of Butterley’s most iconic structures.
A publication exploring the construction of the letterforms, the achievements of the iron and steel structures and Butterley’s technology.  The book navigates through the typeface and investigates the rich history of the derelict landscape of Butterley.  
The work aims to showcase the unexpected history uncovered throughout the project.
82 pages french-fold
Perfect bound by hand
Hand screen-printed cover in light grey acrylic
Cover:  GFSmith Colorplan Smoke 350gsm
Stock:  120gsm Pristine white digital*
*3 Copies 80gsm

Pixel map of the derelict site, highlighting existing fabrication buildings
The final image in the publication
The perimeter wall and the derelict landscape
Pixel map of the derelict site, highlighting existing fabriaction buildings
Steel Fabricated Letterform


Zeppelin 621195 Newsprint
Cover Image
Please visit dribbble for more details on the project

Adam Rogers

Adam Rogers

An exploration of my final major project concluding my BA Hons Graphic Design at the University of Derby
