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Contempo Prosecco Redesign

Contempo Prosecco Packaging Rebrand 
This packaging redesign was a project in my Design of Visual images class. The assignment was to go to the grocery store and pick an item to redesign. I redesigned Contempo Prosecco, and used all of the type from the original bottle. (pictured below) 
I started my design process by sketching thumbnails with a bunch of different ideas. I wanted to keep the contemporary theme and I explored this idea with a few different styles. Sketches are always where I start in any design project. 
Next I created a few comps in illustrator based on my sketches. I had a bunch of ideas in a lot of different directions, so this was helpful to render each idea online. 
After creating each comp I got feedback from my peers and picked one to run with. People liked the cheetah and I liked the bright colors, my final design reflected what I learned and liked best throughout the design process. 
My final redesign! Let me know if you have any questions or comments. 
Contempo Prosecco Redesign

Contempo Prosecco Redesign
