Eduard Morocho Baias's profileVladislav Popov's profile


Project Miniso. Not easy to create, but incredibly fascinating. The original concept with an endless world that is filled with different goods was converted into a huge store that is the habitat of Miniso's mascot Pen Pen. The store is a place where there are no limits for your imagination, so in this project, it is not immediately clear when the fantasy ends.


                                                          First draft

In the following three short videos, a small glimpse into the working moments during the creation of a video for the company Miniso is shown. You can briefly immerse yourself in the workflow and see how snow materials, simulations, and fabric materials were created, as well as the character animation process and working with animation graphics.



                               MINISO CharacterAnimation_WorkMoments



Animation project for Miniso brand. 3d motion design with character animation
