The tree frogs croak throughout the summer period inflating their sound box. The great tit announces the arrival of the heat to the melodic rhythm of ‘tot istiu, tot istiu’ (all summer long, all summer long). The crickets increase the stridulations of their elytrum as the temperature rises.

Les reinetes rauquen al llarg del període estival inflant la seva caixa de ressonància. La mallerenga carbonera anuncia l’arribada de la calor al ritme melòdic de ‘tot istiu, tot istiu’. Els grills augmenten les estridulacions dels èlitres a mesura que puja la temperatura.

In summer, the fauna offers a wide range of sounds, rhythms, and melodies. For this reason, when the Castelló d’Empúries Town Council entrusted us with the Istiu Festival’s graphics, we decided to present the poster with a different animal each year.

A l’estiu, la fauna ens ofereix un ampli ventall de sons, ritmes i melodies. Per aquest motiu, quan l’Ajuntament de Castelló d’Empúries ens va encarregar la gràfica del festival Istiu, vam decidir presentar cada any el cartell amb un animal diferent.

Based on the SuperTipo Veloz modular system created by Joan Trochut in the forties —recently digitalised by Typerepublic— geometric shapes and gestural traits are combined to shape them.

Partint del sistema modular SuperTipo Veloz creat per Joan Trochut als anys quaranta —digitalitzat recentment per Typerepublic— formes geomètriques i traços gestuals es combinen per a donar-los forma.
Photos by Carles Palacio and Manel Puig
See more about Istiu Festival
Vegeu-ne més en aquest enllaç
Sounds of Summer

Sounds of Summer

To the rhythm of the Super Tipo Veloz modular typeface, a summery customized version of the typeface – inspired by towels and parasols – presents Read More
