Within the city people are often rushing to get to their universities, jobs, buses, train or appointments. Nobody ever seems to be just sitting taking life in, more often than not people are just trying to reach their destination with as little interaction with others as possible, people often wear head phones or walk whilst speaking on a mobile. When you move to the city you become part of an ongoing city cycle what could be seen as a city machine. You don’t stand out to be individual you are just seen as part of a large crowd or part of surrounding. I often feel I never see the same faces twice and most of the time don’t have time to take in peoples identities as you cross paths with so many people in such a sort space of time. We are small individual cogs in a large city machine, all working separately but contributing to one higher power. Being monitored and watched daily being kept in line to the commands and orders we are given and why? Why do we live this way ? I plan to create a series of images based upon the idea that we are all monitored and apart of one big machine which is controlled by capitalism. The piece will be inspired by ideologies such as totalitarian. As I feel we are under mass order and surveillance, living a life that is controlled by the rich and powerful.
Many people often fix their eyes so sharply on making money that they forget to live and working and earning becomes their life, then before they know it they are too old to enjoy the money they have spent their lives saving. We have been brainwashed in to thinking this is the way to live a successful life, through generations of advertisements, politicians and dictators, telling us this is the way things have to be. Although trading goods used to be a much more positive and product way of working, it seems that machinery has come in and now everything is mass produced, the cost of living has drastically increased and us as consumers are consuming more than ever before not only in food but good such as, accessories, clothing, make up, cars, games, technology and gadgets. 
This is a photographic project with a video installation, which was also created by myself. 
A short video conveying the modern-day idealist society in which we live. Often we are forced to conform and live a very repressed, monotonous lifestyle. We listen to those whom govern us as we seek advice and guidance. Here, the collection of short clips and powerful speech imbed subliminal messages that lead the mind to desire success. As a demonstration of how speech is used to manipulate and lead masses, I ask you to question is the speech you hear positive? And now I ask, would you think any differently if I told you it was Hitler.
Videography and film produce for this project can be found here : 
Thank you for looking.
The only way of life

The only way of life

A fine art documentary photographic project documenting a social experiment accompanied by a short video conveying the modern-day idealist societ Read More


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