Heinz is one of the most tattooed brands out there. But colored ink is made using harmful ingredients – especially the red one, which is obviously the most used by Heinz's fans. And since Heinz is all about caring for the quality of the ingredients their fans consume, it shouldn't be any different when it comes to their tats.

That's how the Heinz Tattoo Ink was born. A partnership with Electric Ink, one of the world's largest tattoo companies, to create an ink with Heinz's red and quality, but without any of the 4,000 recently banned ingredients.

We also collaborated with 5 Brazilian artists of different styles to create 57 stencils – all inspired by the Heinz universe of great food and beautiful tomatoes. These illustrations were turned into posters sent to fans and creators, and the tattoos made from them took over the streets in OOH media.

Coming in ketchup-like packets, the Heinz Tattoo Ink will be available soon. A one-of-a-kind project that's been under development for over 14 months, and that shows in a unique just how much Heinz cares about the quality of ingredients used to make their ketchup, which is also a massive part of what makes them a lovebrand.

some clippings
@soko.cx — @heinz_br

Kraft Heinz
Marketing director: Cecília Alexandre
Brand lead: Thiago Stelle
Brand coordinator: Thais Correa
PR manager marketing: André Mendes
Digital and media coordinator: Bruna Donato
Content and community coordinator: Ana Ladeira
Founder and chief executive officer/ chief creative officer: Felipe Simi
Executive creative sirectors: Rafael Ziggy, Rafael Caldeira
Group creative director: Erick Mendonça
Creative leader: André Savastano
Design and creative leader: Fabiana Falcão, Renan Monjon, Saulo Monjon
Art direction: Kauã Michelin, Juliano Shimizu, Laissa Moreira
Copywriter: André Savastano
Content leader: Jader Gomes
Content creator: Bianca Santos
Content, art direction: Isabela Yamada
Community manager: Giuliana Combothanassis
Studio leader: Leticia Santos
Motion designer: Yago Lopes
CGO: Felipe Belinky
COO: Brisa Vicente
Head of account: Verena Neves
Account director: Jéssica Pereira
Head of operations: Larissa Kubo
Project leader: Marcelo Shiro, Lucas Cardoso
Project manager: Elisa Celia, Juliana Rente, Guilherme Piropo
Head of broadcasting: Fabiane Abel
Broadcaster: Thais Hernandez, Luisa Marcomini, Nanna Galli
Head of strategy & Data: Ana Cortat
Data and innovation leader: Matheus Facci
Data scientist: Leonardo Galhego
Executive production: Fernando Chamis
Production: Camila Malaman, Ingrid Ostan e Pedro Reali
Front-end programming: Carol Cezareti
Back-end programming: Maysa Bonfante e Vinícius Silva
Instagram Filter: Matheus Pinheiro Martins
Leandro Beltran
Artists/ Illustrators: Leo Neguin, Elissa Rocabado, Renan Cruz , Fernando Felix, Helena Obersteiner
Video production
Executive producer: Paulo Henrique Vicente
Director: Raphael Taira
Co-directors: As Mina
Director assistant: Giulia Larrain
DOP: Marco Antônio Ferreira
Camera assistant #1: Tiago Eli
Camera assistant #2: Pamela Santos
Video assistant: Ruan Britto
Logger: Marcio Costa
Electrician: Carlos Cortes
Electrician assistant: João Conceição
Machinery assistant: Laelson da Silva
Still shooting: Tamara dos Santos
Actress: Thaís Ferreira
Actress: Nathália Cintra
Production assistant: Marcio da Silva
Catering: Flor de Lótus
Drivers: Edmilson Marinho, Marcelo Barbosa, William Oliveira
Studio + Nova Haus
Creative and production supervisor: Leticia Gomes dos Santos
Video editor and motion designer: Yago Beppler Lopes Costa
Motion designer: Yasmin de Jesus Cruz Farias
Sr. project manager: Thaline Malvezi
Project assistant: Leonardo Portilho
Nova Haus
Account: Alyne Passarelli
Motion designer: Larissa Hamuy e Lucas Teixeira
Image Treatment
Alt Retouch: Mateus Moraes

Heinz Tattoo Ink

Heinz Tattoo Ink
