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Cousteau fish restaurant interior design

Interior design of the Cousteau fish restaurant from the RIM.VIII architectural studio
Grigory Zaslavsky
Ekaterina Gracheva
Daria Korol
The salty smell, the sea wind, the cries of seagulls, the fish market, everything is fresh and inexpensive. A special atmosphere, fishermen decorate their counters with posters and homemade decorations, everyone knows each other, come to converse. No evening dresses, candles and orchestras.
We love Yekaterinburg very much - a city on the border of Europe and Asia. The only thing we lack is the sea and fresh fish. What would a cozy port restaurant look like if there was a sea in the Urals?
The main sculptor is the sea. Rounded backs and armrests of chairs, lamps in the form of fish traps, floating shadows on the walls. Bubbles, clams, algae and fragments of dry trees on the shore.
This is how we visualized Cousteau fish restaurant
RIM.VIII architectural studio - we create solutions for hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, apartments, building, food courts, boutiques and fitness centers all over the world. Follow us ​​​​​​​www.instagram.com/rim.viii ​​​​​​​
Cousteau fish restaurant interior design

Cousteau fish restaurant interior design
