hair Originals

Selected brand
Name of brand: Hair Originals.
Category : Product

Hair originals
Hair Originals was newly introduced in market during lockdown. " Hair Originals' which is a 100% natural hair extension company, the virgin remy hair procured directly from the temples of South India. These hair are voluntarily donated by women and are completely shaved off from their head as a part of the religious tradition in temples and they provide various type of extensions for every gender and their aim is not only based in India the want to spread their extension in all over world. They have different types of hair extensions like permanent hair extensions which is very high on demand in market. Temporary hair extensions which is DIY tve of extensions and wig, color extensions also are available. In market there are many tvpes of chemical colors available but because of these chemicals lot of girls have hair damage and hair fall. That's why for hair length, style & to volume your hair, use hair original. This project focused on advertising the hair extensions which are made of real hair. There are many people who are going through hair loss problem, many people have restrictions from there home or have lack of confidence to do haircut, style their hair or color their hair, lot of people avoid to do hair color because color damages their hair.

Hair originals creation made from real hair. It help you makeover and colour your hair without damaging your hair.

Proposed strategic solution
Hair originals is promoting a campaign to help you explore a different aspect of your personality by adding more volume to your hair. By doing so, you can create a new appearance for yourself and feel more self-assured and attractive. The campaign encourages you to enhance your beauty and embrace a newfound sense of confidence.


Body copy
Hair Originals creations are made from real hair. Give yourself a makeover with attractive scrunchy simply login to and order to update your look without damaging your hair


