My point is short. My point is simple. Happy endings do exist.
We often feel lost, alone and misunderstood. But we rarely think about our chance at freedom. I know, this sounds completely absurd considering I live in a country that was founded on freedom. How can we have freedom of speech, freedom of press, and freedom of religion but still feel caged? I’ll tell you. We are caged because of what we do with those freedoms. And this is why the belief of happy endings has diminished.

This concept has faded because we often fear to go the path that gets us to the “end of the rainbow” so to speak. Now, do not misunderstand me. I am in no way bad mouthing the United States. I am probably the biggest patriot you will ever meet (short of our founding fathers & military). Our country allows humanity to be. To be, you might not understand what that means. In short, our country lets us set the trends, lets us set the stigma’s, and lets us find our own “yellow brick road”. Other countries are not so fortunate, as they have few who find their dream and then ultimately end up caging their own people. To live in a cage, in which you have no choice is a torture. However, living in a cage in which you built the bars yourself is different and possibly a salvation. As of now, I am caged. I have freed myself of my own bars but am now caged by my mental illness. For those, who I have told about my mental health, they have looked at me no differently and have treated me no differently. But I live in fear of the day, that someone looks at me as if I am as fragile as fine china. I fear the day, that someone will look at me as sick or unstable. But if anything, these are all things I need to face to get to my happy ending and be completely liberated.

In the end, achieve your “end of the rainbow” and free yourself of the cage.
Happy Endings


Happy Endings


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