Harc Lee's profile

QR : Interactive Modular Carpet

Industrial Design

Interactive Modular Carpet  
Manufactured by Mannington Commercial

"We've leveraged existing, proven technology into a design element 
that serves both aesthetics and function."

ALSO, utilizing Mannington’s unique ability to create both carpet and hard surface products, Mannington has created an 18x18 inch LVT tile that allows actual QR technology to be incorporated into the floor. 
wayfinding in airports or hospitals; educational content in schools or museums; enhanced entertainment in theaters, sports stadiums, amusement parks or other entertainment settings; product information in retail spaces; and more. 

NeoCon 2011

QR : Interactive Modular Carpet

QR : Interactive Modular Carpet

QR is a beautifully designed carpet inspired by QR patterns, showcasing texture and geometry in a random sophisticated look and feel.
