Space is the vast, three-dimensional expanse that exists beyond the Earth's atmosphere and encompasses all celestial objects, including stars, planets, asteroids, comets, and galaxies. It is characterized by a near-vacuum, with very low gas pressure and few particles per unit of volume.

Space is infinite in size, and its temperature can vary from extremely hot to extremely cold, depending on the proximity to stars or other sources of heat. The vacuum of space also allows for the transmission of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, radio waves, and X-rays.
One of the most remarkable features of space is its sheer scale. The distances between celestial objects are mind-bogglingly vast, measured in light-years, which is the distance light travels in one year. Space is also constantly expanding, as the universe undergoes a process known as cosmic inflation.

Space also contains space-craft. And, that's what we have here, a lot of them. 

These were commissioned by a UFO enthusiast, a project stalled while waiting on labels but I probably drew 5 billion craft shapes. Reach out if you are interested in viewing.

XOXO, Sage
Above Us


Above Us
