Timering - the activity timer

Timering is a timer application for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Apple TV. By the app you can save and repeatedly use your countdown and stopwatch results to improve your daily routines, learning, work and sports performance. The project consists of the app, the website, and a promo video.

Timering has a simple, clean interface that visualises the passage of time by calming, dropping rings which draw a unique pattern to your screen. It has multiple custom themes as rising sun, calm ocean, paper n’ tint and night shift with pleasant alert sounds that makes the experience unique and personal.
The website

The site built on the story of rings, the users meet firstly with the rings, which levitating in the space and when they start to scroll these are dropping down. The site pins a metaphoric iPhone to the middle of the screen and it reveals on the sides the textual information. It has an optimised mobile version that also displays the animations.

The website gives a linear way to know all the details about the app. If you scroll down and up, triggering methods will reveal the content parts, during the pinning keeps the phone screen in the centric position.

The site is about details like the app, it includes some easter eggs like the scroll trigger, that just appears in an assigned timeframe, and moves just in case the user don’t scroll, or there is a download icon at the page of Press Kit, which leads to all of the essential materials that journalists can use, thereby the animation is a kind of magic ball that invites to a deeper level of information about the app.
We made a crazy promo video for the app, you can see it below and there is another Behance project about it:​​​​​​​ Birth of The Rings

Available on Appstore:

Big thanks!

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Timering is a timer application for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Apple TV. By the app you can save and repeatedly use your countdown and stopwat Read More
