Funerary Sculpture accompanied Fashion Queen into future of next life and then returned to us now.  Wood carving is about 38" tall, nearly 6' on pedestal.  Original photo of fashion model had been stretched to equivalent 9' tall, but pictured only from front.  I was curious what 9' tall woman looks like from the back, so I carved it. 
Carved in redwood, with oil stain, acrylic and flame.
Future Back is exhibited  in the window at the Marin Open Studios 2014 Showroom Two, Bon Air Center, Greenbrae, California, through May 17th.  If you see her there, please wave at her.  However, if she waves back at you, I would like to know about it.  Peter 
Future Back

Future Back

Future Back funerary sculpture to accompany Fashion Queen into the future (say 1 or 2 millenia) and return to us. Redwood.
