School Photography Projects
35 mm film camera
These are a few pictures I took back in 2008 from my Commercial Photography class. It was really neat because I developed all of these pictures myself. My class was the last class to get to use the darkroom before everything went digital.  It was fun to play around with the different settings of the camera to get different outcomes.
"Chandelier"-  I took various photos of this chandelier testing  different F-Stops and this one came out  to be one of my favorites.
"Fourth Street Live"- A very popular attraction in Louisville, KY.
I took this photo of  the window of one of the buildings at school that has some stained glass artwork.
This photo was taken at Fisherman's Park.
Short depth of field project I did using flowers.
35 MM Film Camera

35 MM Film Camera

Projects I did back in 2008.


Creative Fields