“Tethered Silence” is a black-and-white picture of a clothespin with water droplets attempting to fall. This black and white picture embraces calm silence seen rarely in this chaotic world but can be found if you take a moment to look. Calm silence can be found in anything… even a clothespin.
Weed- Any plant that is growing in an unwanted place is a weed. Many people see dandelions as unwanted “Weeds." This picture shows the beauty of a so-called "weed" by embracing its imperfections. Water droplets emphasize the daintiness of the “weed” within the delicate white pappus and along the stem.
"Treasure" depicts a small shard of sea glass shimmering in a golden sunset. Some may find this glass on the beach and see it as a hazard because it has not had the time in the sea to become a soft beautiful piece of sea glass. Although it has rough edges the sea glass allows its beauty to shine amongst the dark contrast of the sand and small pebbles. 

Beauty in Nature

Beauty in Nature
