Luke Stephenson
I am influenced by this photographer's work with studio photography. I admire the thought he puts into the background of his images so that the objects in the photos contrast it. I like how some of his projects have clear lighting while others have a more realistic lighting.

Stephenson has always been inspired by the eccentricities of Britain. The eccentrics can not only be people and animals but also objects he is intruiged by and that he can photograph to make seem animate. His adoring portraits have mostly been missed by the mainstream media however he has a variety of publications in newspapers, magazines. He has created four books from 2012 to 2021. He has had a multitude of exhibitions since 2005 that have spread worldwide.

The English Rose:
I really like the background of this project as it is a strong contrast with all of the flowers which makes the flowers seem more vibrant and colourful. I like how none of the flowers are positioned in the same way and that not all of them are just one flower. I feel that this expresses the uniqueness of how every flower grows despite them all being from the same flower species, the English Rose. Similarly to this project, I would like to present the uniqueness of each object I use by positioning them in a different way that presents their character the best. I also want to use similar lighting that will make my objects defined and vibrant.

Pola Roid:
This project seems to have a studio photography sense to it. It consists of everything Luke Stephenson has found interesting since 2006 that he has decided to photograph with a polaroid camera. This includes people, objects and even animals. Similarly to The English Rose, each subject of the photos are positioned in a unique way. This exaggerates the variety that Stephenson has photographed. I would not use the same lighting technique as it gives this project a lot of character but I don't think it will work the same for me. However, I will consider experimenting with lighting. I do like the (almost) consistent use of a white background which compliments the subjects of the photos. I will similarly use a white background and position my subjects in unique ways.
Luke Stephenson

Luke Stephenson


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