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Toby Carvery Rebrand

Toby Carvery is a well known British restaurant chain that has become outdated and old fashioned. It is perceived as cheap and convenient, rather than celebrating the craftmanship of the traditional British roast. 
Delving into the history of the roast, its origins began in the medieval period and took this opportunity to create a brand story using this to develop the brand identity and create a more relevant character.
The brand subtly reflects its medieval roots and the craftmanship that it takes to make a perfectly times roast. The exposed wood and brick used throughout the restaurant portray this rustic style with the graphics working as part of the environment. Etching into raw materials and using natural textures is important to reflect 
the craftmanship. 
The campaign promotes the brand story playing on the fact that Toby created the roast on the seventh day. The roast is portrayed as a holy grail that was created on Sunday but can be celebrated on anyday. The poster campaign promotes the fact that the Toby restaurant makes the roast available to you anyday of the week yet still keeps the traditional and special aspect of the roast. 
Toby Carvery Rebrand

Toby Carvery Rebrand

Toby Carvery is a well known British restaurant chain that has become outdated and old fashioned. It is perceived as cheap and convenient, rather Read More
