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ModuleOne Portable Home battery


MyGrid's ModuleOne is the powerbank that puts users back in control of their energy. This easy to use plug-and-play home battery connects to any standard power outlet and features a bidirectional charger for effortless communication with your digital meter and grid. With the ModuleOne, you can take or give energy - and it even serves as a portable power source for all your mobile energy needs. Take charge of your energy today with MyGrid's revolutionary ModuleOne!


With the MyGrid team, we started exploring how to get more people to participate in the energy transition. During the market research, a few issues emerged that were holding people back from participating. Namely: Costs that are too high, Lack of space at home for the installations (battery, solar panels ...), Lack of clear communication about the benefits both financially and ecologically. We saw these drawbacks especially reflected in the home battery market. Today's home batteries are often very large in size and therefore often have a high capacity and therefore a high price. Due to the large size of the battery, you can often only place them in a garage, basement or outside. This means that you exclude a lot of people who live around smaller living space.


Therefore, we at MyGrid have designed ModuleOne a portable home battery that is cost efficient, space saving and user friendly. Together with the app, you can easily get all the insights from your battery and also your information about what exactly you have saved and how much CO² you have reduced. In addition, the battery has other benefits such as Peak shaving and using dynamic energy tariffs in parts of Europe.

MyGrid ModuleOne is a project created by Roel Heyninck and owned by MyGrid. Images can be shared with the proviso that the name and designer are always mentioned. Thank you.

More info about ModuleOne click following link

ModuleOne Portable Home battery


ModuleOne Portable Home battery
