Tristan B's profile

Custom Tablet - Pi4 & Printed

1 week later...and the touch screen raspberry pi tablet project was completed!

My partner's laptop is diabolically awful and she wanted to get into using Raspberry Pi for coding and fun, so I thought I'd make her a tablet! Christmas came on time this year thank goodness! Next year I'll leave more than 6 days to design and build!
The juicy internals - pass through power, Pi4, speakers, touch screen and all the printed housings to capture it all.
The assembly went pretty well! Although I had to print it with a 1mm nozzle and 0.5mm layer height because I didn't have enough hours before Christmas to print it any finer!
Simple concept for making the tablet leg stand adjustable.
The refined concept sketch! It was coming together well by this point, the key issue was that my printer bedplate wasn't big enough so I had to split into sections and add fasteners!
Concept sketch for half of the housing to provide overlaps and fasteners.
A very early sketch of the concept - going for minimalist but with a nice bent-wood stand...I'm glad I wasn't that ambitious in the end. This design looked too bulky once I'd modelled it in 3D so I cut down on the volume and made it more 'form fitting' for the internals.
Custom Tablet - Pi4 & Printed


Custom Tablet - Pi4 & Printed
