Character designs for Bloodchild by Octavia Butler. Months of this project condensed down to these final lineups!
GAN- The point of view character. I wanted him to be mostly covered up since he hasn't been "exposed" to the truths of the incubation process. The lower part of his shirt is meant to resemble a thorax. His takes mostly from ants.
QUI- Gan's older brother. His collar is inspired by exterminators' mask vents. The midsection is also based on how certain insects breathe through their sides.
LOMAS- he needed to look skinny, sick, and unwell. The patterns on his shirt is meant to resemble a rib cage, so even when he's clothed you still sense he's starving from being eaten from the inside out.
T'GATOI- My favorite design of them all. She takes from marine life such as lobsters, horseshoe crabs, and mantis shrimp. Her design changed the most over the course of the project. Earlier drafts had her looking much more centipede-like.
Bloodchild designs


Bloodchild designs
