Apron design for a local seafood resturant located in Rural Hall NC.
Take home bag design done for the local resturant.
Rebranding assignment, this is an advertizement for PEZ.
Billboard design advertizing for PEZ.
Social network Facebook design for PEZ.
The back of landscape flyer for a carport company.
The front of landscape flyer that was designed for carport company.
A horizontal view of the back flyer done for the carport company.
Front view of the horizontal flyer.
Hispanic rock band Logo.
An image using the type technique monipulation.
Blu-ray case design for non existing movie.
Blu-ray disc design for a non existence movie.
Movie poster for the non existing movie.
Front cover of a made up magazine.
Spread design inside the made up magazine.
Both cover and magazine spread layed out for an example view.


most of these are finished work. A few of them where for an actual company.
