Boldizsár Rajkai's profile

bit - Space of Innovation

MNB - bit
Space of Innovation
The Budapest Innovation Space (bit) was established for students at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). With the backing of the Hungarian National Bank (MNB), the project aims to enhance the quality of education by providing a conducive environment equipped with all necessary resources and tools to foster effective teamwork.

Constructed during the summer of 2022 on the BME premises, the 150 sqm office was realized through the collaborative efforts of an 8-member student design team.

For more details on the project's success, you can refer to the article available here.
Digital render visual design (left)                                                Photo of the built office (right)
Digital render visual design (left)                                                    Photo of the built office (right)
The office is divided into two sections: the relaxation area (lounge) and the workspace (bit). The lounge is dedicated to relaxation and networking. It features an elevated sofa lounge, storage cupboards, dining tables, and a kitchen within the space.
The interior workspace incorporates various elements, including areas conducive to group collaboration, individual isolated tables equipped with high-performance computers, and a cozy sofa designed for laptop usage. Users have access to digital boards, a projector, and printers conveniently positioned within the space.

The ambiance of the natural environment is enhanced through the extensive use of wood in the furniture and the presence of 10-meter-wide green plant walls.

Mobile App
bit is established with a commitment to sustainability. For this purpose, the space is accessible through a mobile application, enabling users to monitor who utilized the space and individual devices, along with the corresponding timestamps. Tables can be reserved in advance using the app, and the digital devices can be accessed by scanning QR codes.
bit - Space of Innovation