鉅程 設計's profile

鉅程設計.CHU CHENG DESIGN. NO.20 Taipei-L宅

LocationShipai, Taipei City
Condition︱Newly Constructed 
HomeArea︱40 ping
Primary MaterialsOak veneer, spray painted metal, mirror, special limestone coating, tiles, UBEKON

The location was chosen by the homeowner for its azure skyline and greenery; the foothills of Yangmingshan were selected to enjoy a tranquil lifestyle. The family of four loves stylistic camping and the husband has many vintage camping accessories within his collection. As such, a display storage wall was designed for the study as his personal private space. The wife is a part-time yoga instructor who values nature. It was up to the designer to find a way to implement that pure essence of nature. We converted the TV wall to a semi-open screen that covers the viewing angle of the yoga classroom that combines a large area design mirror; in addition to allowing the wife to study and adjust her posture during exercise, it acts as a mutual extension to the semi-open TV wall. The intersection of the ceiling and columns is finished with many curves while the sofa wall retains a perfect ratio of white space. Mineral paint is used to fully integrate the indoor atmosphere and views of nature outside their window. The warm afternoon sun creates the atmosphere of a happy home and records the daily life of this family of four.

鉅程設計.CHU CHENG DESIGN. NO.20 Taipei-L宅

鉅程設計.CHU CHENG DESIGN. NO.20 Taipei-L宅


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