by  Mike  Nelson
by  Mike  Nelson
by  Mike  Nelson  bienale
by  Mike  Nelson  bienale
by  Mike  Nelson  bienale
by  Mike  Nelson  bienale
by  Mike  Nelson  bienale
by  Mike  Nelson  bienale
by  Mike  Nelson  bienale
Found space with constructed darkroom, various media
including photographs
Installation view, Büyük Valide Han, Istanbul Biennial
Courtesy the artist and Matt’s Gallery
Mike Nelson
Mirror Infill
‘There is an expectation of criticality built into the invitation to produce a project for an art fair, one that is in itself disempowering. As a phenomenon the art fair is interesting — things are taken from their habitats, displayed and jumbled in a new purpose-built home to be consumed in every sense and elevated to another tier of mythology. It was a long time before I could think of an appropriate work, something which both adored and abhorred in equal parts, to become as a mirror held up and to expand the vacuum beyond. There also seemed to be an urgency to the project, as if there was a limited period in which outdated darkroom technology could speak of memory and reflection without being quaint. Turning to confront the unseen beast that tracks us, we are left to look and decide whether the recognition of this apparition is reassuring or frightening.’
Dark Room