Onur Çırpıcı's profile

Tash Coffee Roastery

Hello, everyone.
Today, I am excited to present the logo and packaging design that I have created for Tash Coffee Roastery.

As you may know, Tash Coffee Roastery is dedicated to providing their customers with the freshest, most delicious specialty coffee. It was important for me to create a logo and packaging design that reflected the high quality of their products, while also capturing the unique and dynamic spirit of the brand.

Let's start with the logo. The Tash Coffee Roastery logo features a lion, which represents strength, courage, and leadership. The lion is set against a circular shape that represents the idea of community and the cycle of the coffee bean, from farm to cup. The typography is modern and bold, yet approachable, which reflects the brand's commitment to quality and their welcoming atmosphere. The color scheme is warm and inviting, with a rich brown that represents the color of coffee beans.

Moving on to the packaging design, I wanted to create something that would stand out on the shelves and convey the premium quality of Tash Coffee Roastery's products. The packaging design features a vintage-inspired look and feel, with earthy tones, rough textures, and classic typography that evoke a sense of heritage and craftsmanship. The overall effect is warm, inviting, and premium.

The packages feature the Tash Coffee Roastery logo prominently on the front, with a simplified design that allows the quality of the coffee beans to speak for themselves. The warm, earthy tones and vintage-inspired typography create a sense of authenticity and premium quality that is sure to catch the eye of coffee lovers everywhere.

Overall, I am thrilled with the final results of this project, and I believe that the logo and packaging design that I have created for Tash Coffee Roastery effectively communicate the brand's values and mission while also standing out in a crowded market.

Thank you for your time, and I welcome any questions or feedback that you may have.


Tash Coffee Roastery


Tash Coffee Roastery

Tash Coffee Roastery is dedicated to providing their customers with the freshest, most delicious specialty coffee. It was important for me to cre Read More
