- KC -'s profile

[First Concept]: Art Faction App NFT

[First Concept]:
 Art Faction App NFT
Hello all, this is my first entry into the Behance Ecosystem. My name is KC, and I've been a self-taught graphic designer for about a year now. I'll be posting my projects and concepts here, as this will be a portfolio of sorts for me. 
I created the extensive concept for the Art Faction App NFT as my debut into graphic design and branding. Almost everything aside from the logo was designed by me, including but not limited to the promotional photos, the MVP (minimum viable product), the app's UI, the roadmap and the whitepaper.
[Below is the Website.]
[Below are some promotional images.]
[Below is a mockup of the app in the Apple home screen dock.]
[Below are infographics for the project]
[Below is the whitepaper.]
[Below is the app's UI concept.]
[Below is the Roadmap.]
Thank you for reading; more is on the way!
[First Concept]: Art Faction App NFT

[First Concept]: Art Faction App NFT
