3020 Reception

EXPOPARK 3020 Reception
The reception for Expo Park 3020 was a challenge for us. We had to integrate the building into the park with sculptures to look like something other than an overt interference.
We had to discreetly add a location where guests could buy coffee, merchandise, and wine, meet, wait for a guide and use the restroom. The place was to become both the heart and functional development of the park.
The cooperation resulted in a modular structure made of a metal frame and sandwich panels, which can be moved to another location if necessary.
Invisibility became the architectural concept. The design is mirrored because the leading art is you. Each person is unique, which should be preserved and shown to the world. Since the primary meaning and content of the location is in the sculptures around, we kept this context while creating the architecture.
The building is transparent and adaptive simultaneously, and the contrast of smooth and rustling textures hints at the impermanence of time and reminds us that the unnoticeable is often essential. In addition, the owners have a place where you can conveniently arrange a food-pairing with wines and cheeses in summer. When the customer filled out the questionnaire, 90% of the points were indicated: "At the discretion of the architect." We are proud of such discretion.
Sanina Arch Club
Сreated in partnership w Gubar Architects​​​​​​​

Feel free to contact us. Let's create something together!
3020 Reception