The entire creation of this project was completely new to me & it was such a cool process! In Japanese Notan, artists create balance through symmetrical & asymmetrical balance to make an engaging composition. In Japanese, Notan means "light & dark" so only white & black paper was used in this project.
When brainstorming different notan ideas I tried to incorporate a lot of things that reminded me of home (Hawaii). With that, my top ideas for my piece were a spam musubi, ramen, the pool/beach & local flowers.
Pictured are my sketches & roughs when transferring my ideas onto paper. It was a little challenging trying to mirror certain shapes but some of them gave off a really cool effect too!
For my final, I chose to do a spread of swimsuits, beach floaties & a surfboard. The final product was created with a singular 5x5 inch black cardstock where I cut out the shapes with an x-acto knife by hand. Super tedious, but super interesting outcome!
Japanese Notan

Japanese Notan
