Jamie Pasbjerg Berthelsen's profile

CRAB ARMY - Branded Mini Game

Branded mini game
I went with the brand, Tumblr, and their affection for hoarding in crabs and having them hang out. Who doesn't love a little fellow with claws scuttling around in your near vicinity?
That's why we love cats, right!?

The unfortunate thing is... the crabs are only available on desktop!
So to make up for that, there should be a companion app on mobile entirely dedicated to your crab companions. Always available at your side.

Anyway, these are my sketches and ideas for our first little game project:
I did not have time to implement many of them, but I would love to continue to work on it.

Here's my little 3D crab model I made inspiration from the 2D Tumblr sprite.
Don't you just want a thousand of it chilling on your screen?
A screen shot of the function to SUMMON MORE CRABS!
A screen shot to show their reaction to being petted (text pops up when you tap on them)
CRAB ARMY - Branded Mini Game

CRAB ARMY - Branded Mini Game
