Oficina studio's profileJan Netušil's profile

Film+ - channel branding

Make the brand stand out with a +
The Czech movie channel Film+ asked us to develop their new visual identity. We came up with a simple, yet a compelling solution, placing a + symbol between the letters ‘F’ and ‘I’ in the ‘film’ logotype. This enabled us to highlight the symbol for maximum impact or pop it out when we wanted to focus on the legibility of the logo design.
The symbol is a central and active element that embodies the network identity and provides endless opportunities for creative animation. For example, the + symbol opens a circular mask around the word ‘film’, lending a distinct space to preview film clips.
It also has the unique feature of acting as a slider on a time axis,
indicating the expired and remaining time of trailers.
The graphical interaction between the word ‘film’ and the + symbol serves as
a homage to the film-making craft. It rotates around the word ‘film’ using classic film techniques to illustrate the channel themes and genres.
The project received the prestigious PromaxBDA Global Excellence Gold and the PromaxBDA Europe Silver awards.
Film+ - channel branding