Ashley Barcelon's profile

Art Direction Photography: Escaped

ADV 93: Art Direction Photography

To create a visual story using a series of six photos with the theme of identity. 

Thought Process

I wanted to achieve a compelling story through six visual photos captured on my iPhone 12 model. The location of these photos were at my local park Jack Fischer Park. The message conveyed are showing my affective ways of escaping from my hectic daily life. My emotions within the activities such as reading, drawing, meditating, dancing, playing games and volleyball. I define myself as a confident and self-expressive individual, communicating towards the target audience to feel joyful, just for a moment. 

In terms of editing applications, I used Adobe Lightroom and InDesign. In Lightroom, a cinematic feature flat bubblegum preset was applied to all photos. Adjusted the second page to +12 shadow, +50 contrast, and -5 saturation to make it bold. Also, displayed a real natural look with warm tones. As for InDesign, lowered the opacity to 80% on both photos of front and back cover. The font used is Apple Chancery 60 pt for title and 30 pt for name, date, captions, and credits.

Shot Planner/Captions:

Dancing/Volleyball: She is able to express herself freely.
Switch/Reading: She loves living in the fantasy world.
Drawing/Sunset: This is her happy place and is her escape. 
Individual Shots
Final Product
Art Direction Photography: Escaped

Art Direction Photography: Escaped
