GIANT FAKE MUSHROOMS and a bunch of tasty real ones. Oh, and a shoe.
An art director friend of mine from France called and asked if I could 3D print a huge mycelium background prop for adidas' new Stan Smith 'Mushroom Leather' Mylo shoe. I said no. Well, I mean, I could, but part of my job is not just doing what the client asks, but finding the best way to get what the client wants. And I knew that, what with time constraints, surface quality, cost, weight, etc, that hand sculpting it from a earth friendly biodegradable foam would be best. Granted, in the final commercial, it's only in there for a second or two, but the photoshoot looks great!
Client | adidas
Art Direction | SOS IN Bel Air | Gandalf De Maupeou D'Ableiges De Monbail
Giant 'Shroom

Giant 'Shroom

Fabrication of set and props for photoshoot of adidas' new Stan Smith mushroom shoe. Big fake mycelium prop.
