A - Z
Design project dealing with micro-typographic work. I was to re-design an existing dictionary of my choice. Below is the original dictionary - a dictionary and thesaurus in one - with the dictionary entries situated at the top and thesaurus ones below.
It involved a lot of experimenting and constant trial and error. I had to consider fonts, point size, leading, page size, columns, margins, indents etc. Everything needed to be tested and refined continuously to pushed it to breaking point in order to find the perfect solution.
My final design combined the two different entries together in one continuous list. Word entries were colour coded - dictionary entries in blue; thesaurus entries in orange; thesaurus entries with a corresponding dictionary entry is indicated with a similarly orange coloured arrow symbol to avoid unecessary word repetition. It had two columns, centred page numbers, 2 navigational words per page and a grey navigational alphabet side bar.
The mock up was glue bound with a hard back cover in blue fabric, orange inside endpapers and orange maker ribbons to complement the interior design and bring the idea of a dictionary more up to date and appeal to a younger audience.
A - Z

A - Z

Project to re-design an existing dictionary. This dealt particularly with micro-typography but also involved all essential graphic design skills: Read More
